Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Science Behind The Wraps!

The ingredients in the wrap are naturally-based, plant extracts and botanicals, very healthy "food" for your skin and deeper tissues. The Guarana seed extract is a shrub rich in caffeine, known as a stimulant, and expected to increase fat burning within cell tissue. That is just one of the many natural ingredients and as strong as it gets!

1. The ingredients promote Lipolysis. This literally means “fat-breaking”. The plant extracts and botanicals penetrate into the fat cell and break down the large fat molecules into small ones which are now allowed to leave the cell. These molecules are burned as energy somewhere else in the body (one reason why we need to be well hydrated, to circulate the smaller fat molecules that have been released).

2. The ingredients also release toxins from the fat cell. A major function of fat cells is to store toxins, so if we can release toxins, then we again get a shrinking of the fat cell.

3. The ingredients improve the micro circulation on the area where the body applicator was applied. This is what creates skin tightening, firming and toning. Fat tissue requires a great deal of blood vessels. If we can improve the micro circulation then we can improve the overall health of the area.

4. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Fat tissue is terribly inflamed because of all the toxins. We once again see a tightening, firming and toning effect because we’ve increased the overall health of the area.

5. The ingredients in The Ultimate Applicator promote Lipolysis! They detoxify the cell, they improve micro circulation, and they reduce Inflammation.

So long story short they are AWESOME! !


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