Thursday, October 10, 2013

Got Greens?!

OK, so the weather is very Fallish today here in Utah, so I was thinking Greens! With cold season quickly approaching, we should be thinking how we can strengthen and boost our immune systems while promoting a healthy digestive system and alkalize the body. Ok so how are Greens going to do this, and what does it all mean anyways?? Well, I'm here to tell you!

So! First off, in every serving of Greens you are getting 8+ servings of Organic Fruits and Veggies! Are you eating your recommended servings of fruits and veggies everyday? (The CDC web link highlighted can help you figure out how many you should be getting based on your age, sex, and activity level.) Well I know I wasn't! Now I can take my Greens in the morning knowing I've gotten all the fruits and veggies I've needed for the day.  The supplement is plant based and designed to break down in your system as naturally as if you ate them yourself. And if you were curious...yes it's actually Green!

Fruits and veggies are a vital part of our diet. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure, prevent some types of cancer, avoid a painful intestinal ailment called diverticulitis, and guard against cataract and macular degeneration, two common causes of vision loss. And while for a long time the biggest pay off for eating your fruits and veggies was thought to be cancer prevention, now studies have shown the biggest pay off is for the heart! Helping to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Another benefit of the Greens is alkalizing the body to restore a natural pH balance. Why do you want to have a natural pH in your body? Disease loves to grow in an acidic body. Acidity in the body makes a condition favorable for the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungus, viruses, mold, and other unwanted organisms. Yuck!!! Another BAD effect of acid in the body, is the body will try to shield itself from the acids and pushes it into fat cells! No thank you! Lowering your acidity can help your body lose unwanted fat cells. YAY! Acidity has a lot of harmful effects on the body, including calcium depletion which can lead to Osteoporosis.

I could probably write a whole paper on the benefits of Greens, but I will touch on just a few more of my favorites! These babies contain 38 herbs and nutrient rich Superfoods! I'm sure you have heard the term superfood, but what does it really mean? Well a superfood is non scientific term for foods rich in nutrients that promote health and well being. This includes things like whole grains, spinach, berries, nuts, salmon, Quinoa etc.

And last but certainly NOT least. These Greens have amazing antioxidants which fight free radicals...oh no...another crazy term we hear but don't necessarily understand! Ha! Well, I'll tell you what a free radical is.  Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominoes. Their chief danger comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs. To prevent free radical damage the body has a defense system of antioxidants. So, Greens help the body out by providing a boost of antioxidants for this fight! GO GREENS!

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