Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ever Tried The Crazy Wrap Thing?

Wrapping has changed mine and my husband's lives for the better! How you say? Well here's the story.

Well I had never even heard of the "crazy wrap thing" until a childhood friend of mine contacted me about trying them. I definitely hit a wall in my weight loss and was pretty much open to ANYTHING! The thought of putting something on for a while and then "poof!" you look better was a little out there, but for the price I thought what the heck. So my husband and I got started. "You have to drink a TON of water" my friend said, "to get the best results don't drink sodas, or caffeine while you're wrapping." Oh boy, not gonna be easy I thought. My husband was a Rockstar junkie and I love my coffee and Diet Coke, but we're the type of people who when we say we are going to try something, we do it 100%  before we decide it's not for us. So we got started!

We took before photos and measurements, and applied our first wraps. You can wear a wrap up to 8 hours, so we chose to sleep in them. The instant you put it on you feel it going to work, it felt great. The next morning we took them off and took more measurements and pics. Already we saw instant results! This was starting to be fun! So for the next 72 hours we both had to drink half our body weight in ounces of water. I'm not going to say exactly how much we had to drink but it's a lot! At first it was tough, I'll admit, being a soda girl it was a tough switch, but we kept up with it. It turned into a fun thing. I would get a text from my husband "half way much have you drank?" and I'd text back "I've gone to the bathroom 4 times already and it's only 11am! lol". We supported each other. Well funny thing? After seeing our amazing results and feeling so much better overall, neither of us have gone back to our previous drinking habits. We wrap, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and move our bodies! This "crazy wrap thing" helped catapult us into a new healthy lifestyle and we are loving it!

So for all those who want to SEE the results of progress thus far, my husband has kindly offered to share his before and after JUST 3 wraps pic! Thank you honey!!! Stay tuned cause they are only going to get sexier from here, cause that's the best part about these wraps...they are permanent results (as long as you don't gain weight) IT'S NOT WATER LOSS!

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